Home > SQLwithManoj > This blog just crossed one million hits – Thanks!!!

This blog just crossed one million hits – Thanks!!!

SQLwithManoj OneMillionHits monthly
Feeling very happy to see my blog crossing 1 million hits today 🙂

I started blogging on WordPress from August 2010 and it took almost 5 years to achieve one million mark!

Just Last year in July 2014 I purchased and moved to my own domain name SQLwithManoj dot com within WordPress itself and WordPress really took care of it without any issues. You must be seeing some Ads on this site, so the annual domain fee is also recovered from the Ads revenue I get.

–> Currently this blog has 210 Posts with 828 Comments:

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–> Here are some top Posts viewed since inception:

SQLwithManoj OneMillionHits TopPosts

I would like to thank you all for visiting my blog, liking my posts, for your comments, suggestions and finding it helpful.

  1. June 11, 2015 at 9:22 am

    Congrats Manoj!!!
    I thoroughly enjoyed your posts and its definitely a great milestone.

  2. June 11, 2015 at 10:47 am

    Ur blogs are useful for both beginners and SQL server experts . keep writing ..

  1. January 22, 2017 at 5:51 pm

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