
Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

SQL Server on Linux – Best practices post installation

August 30, 2018 1 comment


Setup SQL Server on Linux:

1. Spinning up a new Linux VM on Microsoft Azure

2. Install and Configure SQL Server 2017 on Linux Azure VM

3. Connect SQL Server on Linux with SSMS from a Windows machine

Best Practices:

Here are some of the best practices post installing SQL Server on Linux that can help you maximize database performance:

1. To maintain efficient Linux and SQL Scheduling behavior, it’s recommended to use the ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION command to set PROCESS AFFINITY for all the NUMANODEs and/or CPUs. [Setting Process Affinity]

2. To reduce the risk of tempdb concurrency slowdowns in high performance environments, configure multiple tempdb files by adding additional tempdb files by using the ADD FILE command. [tempdb Contention]

3. Use mssql-conf to configure the memory limit and ensure there’s enough free physical memory for the Linux operating system.

sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set memory.memorylimitmb 1024
sudo systemctl restart mssql-server

4. On multi-node Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) installations, auto NUMA balancing needs to be disabled to allow SQL Server to operate at maximum efficiency on a NUMA system.

sysctl -w kernel.numa_balancing=0

5. You can also change the kernel settings value for virtual address space to 256K, as the default value of 65K may be insufficient for a SQL Server installation.

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

6. Use the noatime attribute to disable last accessed timestamps with any file system that is used to store SQL Server data and log files.

7. For the most consistent performance experience, you must leave the Transparent Huge Pages (THP) option enabled.

8. Virtual machine (VM) features like Hyper-V Dynamic Memory shouldn’t be used with SQL Server installations. When using VMs, be sure to assign sufficient fixed-memory sizes.

9. Make sure you have a properly configured swapfile to avoid any out of memory issues.

Seeking response on: LDAP Authentication with SQL Server 2017 on Linux

January 8, 2018 1 comment

Few days back I got an email from one of the reader of this blog “Amit Bhatt”. As I haven’t worked much with the AD/LDAP stuff, thus I thought to throw this question to you guys thru this blog post. I also feel this may also help other Developers/DBAs hunting for similar stuff.

Here he goes:

We have installed SQL Server 2017 on Linux server. I am able to connect SQL Server locally as well remotely but with local user access.

I have my AD account created and have AD server information. Can you please help me how can I connect using my AD account to SQL Server 2017 on Linux remotely?

I heard something about LDAP Authentication. Is it possible to use this concept without adding Linux server to AD domain? Our security team does not allow to add Linux server in Active Directory group.

I am stucked here since last many days, requesting assistance on urgent basis.


Please provide your suggestion on the comment section below.

–> Responses:

1. To support AD Authentication, SQL depends on SSSD, SPN and a keytab file which have the required tokens to talk to AD. Without these in place SQL cannot talk to AD which is necessary for AD authentication.

2. If you are looking to login to SQL Server on linux with Windows authentication the linux server should be joined to the domain. If the server cannot be added to domain then SQL authentication is the way to go. The below link has more details to configure windows authentication,


–> Videos on Linux:

1. Create a Linux VM on Azure

2. Install SQL Server on Linux Azure VM

3. Connect SQL Server on Linux VM from SSMS

Connect SQL Server on Linux with SSMS from a Windows machine

January 6, 2017 2 comments

In [previous post] we saw how to install & setup SQL Server on Linux. We used PuTTY to connect to the Linux Azure VM and query SQL Server there.

Here in this post we will try to connect to SQL Server on Linux via SSMS from a Windows machine.

So to connect remotely to SQL Server on an Azure VM, you have to configure an inbound rule on the network security group. The rule allows traffic on the port on which SQL Server listens (default is 1433).

–> Setup Inbound Rule:

1. You need to go to and login with your credentials. On the Dashboard you will see your Linux VM as shown below:


2. Click on the Linux VM widget, it will open up and list out the Settings, click on Network Interfaces, and select the available Network Interface from the list.


3. Now click on the Network Security Group:


4. On the Network Security Group page, select the Inbound security rules, and click on the “+” button create new for SQL Server:


5. On the Add inbound security rule page, provide a name to this rule, select “MS SQL” under Service drop-down, and click OK:


–> Connect using SSMS:

6. Now from any Remote machine or even you PC which has SSMS installed and have internet connection, try connecting the SQL Server Linux Instance:

– Server Name: provide the IP address of the Linux VM (you can get it by opening the “Linux VM widget” and clicking on “Connect” button at top)

– Authentication: should be SQL Server Authentication

– Login: “SA”

– Password: apply the same password that you set it up while Configuring SQL Server on Linux.


7. On successful authentication you will see the Object Explorer showing the SQL instance that’s running on a Linux machine. On a glance you can’t make out any difference b/w a Linux SQL instance or a Windows SQL instance.

Thus I executed the SELECT @@version statement which shows the SQL Server version and on which Operating system its running.

You can even see the Database SQLdbOnLinux that we created by connecting from the PuTTY client.


That’s it for now, will write more about SQL on Linux on coming updates from Microsoft !!!

–> You can also watch this on YouTube:

Install and Configure SQL Server 2017 on Linux Azure VM

January 4, 2017 3 comments


In my [previous blog] post we saw how to Create a new Linux VM on Azure. After creating it we connected it from a Windows workstation by using PuYYT tool and tested one Unix command.

Here in this post we will see how we can install SQL Server on Linux.

Microsoft is working on a new SQL Server vNext version that will work both on Windows as well as Linux. So with the recent [CTP 1.x] release we can see how does it look like on both the Operating Systems and get some hands on with it.

–> Get the Repository and Install SQL Server:

1. Import the public repository GPG keys:

curl | sudo apt-key add -

2. Register the Microsoft SQL Server Ubuntu repository:

curl | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-server.list

3. Re-synchronize the Package index files from their sources, to get information of the newest versions of packages and their dependencies, and finally Install MSSQL-Server package:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mssql-server

After Install it will ask you to run SQL Server setup by following message:

Please run /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr-setup to complete the setup of Microsoft(R) SQL Server(R)

4. Now post install, we need to configure SQL Server and set the SA password, and SQL services.

sudo /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr-setup

The Configuration gives following prompts in between:

Please enter a password for the system administrator (SA) account:
Please confirm the password for the system administrator (SA) account:

Setting system administrator (SA) account password…

Do you wish to start the SQL Server service now? [y/n]: y
Do you wish to enable SQL Server to start on boot? [y/n]: y

5. Post Configuration you can verify that the service is running:

systemctl status mssql-server


–> Install Tools: This will install the command-line tools (sqlcmd & BCP), Microsoft ODBC drivers, and their dependencies.

6. Re-synchronize the Package index files, and Install MSSQL-Tools:

curl | sudo apt-key add –
curl | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/msprod.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mssql-tools unixodbc-dev

sudo ln -sfn /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd- /usr/bin/sqlcmd
sudo ln -sfn /opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp- /usr/bin/bcp


–> Connect to SQL instance:

9. We will use sqlcmd to connect to SQL Server vNext on our Linux VM. Run the sqlcmd command with following params:
– S: Server Name
– U: User Name
– P: Password

sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P ”


–> Run SQL Queries:

10. Now after connecting to the SQL Linux instance, let’s test come queries:

We will check the Version of SQL Server and list out system Databases:

select @@version

select database_id, name, create_date from sys.databases

Output of version statement:
Microsoft SQL Server vNext (CTP1.1) – (X64)
Dec 10 2016 02:51:11
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS)

11. Let’s do more and Create a new Database, new Table and insert some sample records:


use SQLdbOnLinux
--Changed database context to 'SQLdbOnLinux'.
CREATE TABLE Test (i int, name varchar(25))
insert into Test values (1, 'Manoj')
insert into Test values (2, 'Saurabh')

--(1 rows affected)

--(1 rows affected)
select * from Test
--i           name
------------- -------------------------
--          1 Manoj
--          2 Saurabh

--(2 rows affected)

I think you would get amazed like me after using SQL Server on a Linux environment.

In my [next post] I’ll show how we can connect this SQL Linux instance from a Windows workstation via SSMS !!!

–> You can also watch this video on YouTube:

Spinning up a new Linux VM on Microsoft Azure

January 2, 2017 3 comments

First of all a very very Happy New Year to all of you !!!

This is my first blog post in 2017, and I’ll start with the most happening thing with SQL Server, which is SQL Server for Linux.

So today first of all we will see how to setup a Linux VM on Microsoft Azure cloud. And in next posts I’ve show how can we Install & Setup SQL Server on Linux.

I will use Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) version from Azure Marketplace, and show how to setup a Linux VM in a step by step process.

All you need is a Microsoft Azure account, if you have not setup, please do it from here.

1. Go to and login with your credentials.

2. Click on the “+” icon, under “Marketplace” select Compute and under “Featured Apps” select Ubuntu Server.


3. The “Deployment Model” must be showing as Resource Manager by default, if not select form the drop-down list, and click on Create button.


4. Now on the Create virtual machine window, under “1. Basic” section provide:
– Name: new name for your Linux VM
– VM disk type: select Disk type, SSD or HDD
– User name: provide a unique user name for Admin purpose
– Authentication type: I selected “Password”
– Password & Confirm password
– Subscription: will show you your current subscription
– Resource Group: Provide a new name or select from the drop-down list
– Location: select location as per your preference and available in the list.
… and click OK.


5. On “2. Size” section Choose a size for your VM. I selected the DS1_v2 Standard, the cheapest one, finally click on Select button.


6. On 3. Settings section check the properties, I’ve left them as default for now, and click OK:


7. On the “4. Summary” section, the Portal will do various validations, just confirm all the settings and click OK.


8. And after few seconds or minutes your new Ubuntu Linux VM will be created and you can check the new widget appearing on your Dashboard as shown below:


9. Now to get the NIC (network Interface Card) or the User Name & IP address of your VM, click on the widget.

It will open a new window where you can check all the details related to your new Linux VM.

Just click the Connect button at the top which will show you the details so that you can connect via SSH or Telnet.


10. Now to connect the Linux VM you can either:

a. SSH directly from a Mac or Linux Terminal workstation.

b. Or, if you are on a Windows workstation, you need to use PuTTY, MobaXTerm or Cygwin to SSH to the Linux Azure VM.

Here, we will try connecting from a Windows workstation, so we will download PuTTY from

The downloaded PuTTY is a simple EXE application, just open it. Here we will provide the IP address that we saw above, you can copy and paste it as shown below and click Open:


11. This will open a PuTTY command shell window which will prompt you to enter the Linux username & password that you set in previous steps, please apply as shown below:


12. After you successfully logged in you will see some welcome message from Ubuntu with other details.

Just to make sure I’m really connected to a Linux command shell, I tried executing a Unix command “ls /” to list all the files & directories in the root drive.


So, this is how you can simply Create or Spin up a Linux VM in few minutes !!!

In my [next post] I’ll setup or install SQL Server vNext on this Linux VM and show you how can we connect via SSMS from a Windows workstation.

–> You can also watch this on YouTube: