Home > Linux, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server 2017 > Connect SQL Server on Linux with SSMS from a Windows machine

Connect SQL Server on Linux with SSMS from a Windows machine

In [previous post] we saw how to install & setup SQL Server on Linux. We used PuTTY to connect to the Linux Azure VM and query SQL Server there.

Here in this post we will try to connect to SQL Server on Linux via SSMS from a Windows machine.

So to connect remotely to SQL Server on an Azure VM, you have to configure an inbound rule on the network security group. The rule allows traffic on the port on which SQL Server listens (default is 1433).

–> Setup Inbound Rule:

1. You need to go to portal.azure.com and login with your credentials. On the Dashboard you will see your Linux VM as shown below:


2. Click on the Linux VM widget, it will open up and list out the Settings, click on Network Interfaces, and select the available Network Interface from the list.


3. Now click on the Network Security Group:


4. On the Network Security Group page, select the Inbound security rules, and click on the “+” button create new for SQL Server:


5. On the Add inbound security rule page, provide a name to this rule, select “MS SQL” under Service drop-down, and click OK:


–> Connect using SSMS:

6. Now from any Remote machine or even you PC which has SSMS installed and have internet connection, try connecting the SQL Server Linux Instance:

– Server Name: provide the IP address of the Linux VM (you can get it by opening the “Linux VM widget” and clicking on “Connect” button at top)

– Authentication: should be SQL Server Authentication

– Login: “SA”

– Password: apply the same password that you set it up while Configuring SQL Server on Linux.


7. On successful authentication you will see the Object Explorer showing the SQL instance that’s running on a Linux machine. On a glance you can’t make out any difference b/w a Linux SQL instance or a Windows SQL instance.

Thus I executed the SELECT @@version statement which shows the SQL Server version and on which Operating system its running.

You can even see the Database SQLdbOnLinux that we created by connecting from the PuTTY client.


That’s it for now, will write more about SQL on Linux on coming updates from Microsoft !!!

–> You can also watch this on YouTube:

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